cyklista - 2014-02-05 13:42:09

4k cegieł

Dostawa na 8.02 godz 13

1. What's your in game name? (IGN to często skrót od In Game Name) game name is Elen
2. What time are you usually on? / When will you log in? time varies but normally on/available between 20:00 gmt to 03:00 gmt
3. What is your Time Zone GMT? i am gmt -5
4. What's your village name? village name is glan mor castle
5. What's your village coords? coords are x17, y5
6. Can you please give me name and coords to the nearest port or coast, cause we don't deliver inland.
i am right on the coast and have bsbs on the water line

Rother - 2014-02-06 17:27:43

2200 cegieł = 4,40s [rozliczone]

Wiatrak - 2014-02-08 13:48:46

Cagal i Wiatrak 1300 = 2,6s [rozliczone - cag]
2 bsb = 30c
total = 2,9s

cyklista - 2014-02-08 16:51:51

LOSIK 500 = 1s [rozliczone]

GotLink.plcs 4you kaensoprano dancingwarszowice